The loop continues until the task succeeds or @MaxAttempts is reached.
If @MaxAttempts is reached and the task still fails, an email is sent
BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @MaxAttempts INT DECLARE @Counter INT DECLARE @CounterText VARCHAR(30) DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT DECLARE @EmailMessage VARCHAR(100) SET @ErrorMessage = 'run_attempt' SET @Counter = 0 SET @maxAttempts = 3 -- @ErrorMessage will be NULL after a successful execution of the program. -- Checking for IS NOT NULL will mean the loop continues until success. WHILE (@ErrorMessage IS NOT NULL) AND (@ErrorMessage NOT LIKE 'Warning: Null value%') AND (@Counter <= @MaxAttempts ) BEGIN -- Increment counter and display run number to the screen SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1 SET @CounterText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@Counter,23) RAISERROR (@CounterText, 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT BEGIN TRY -- Run the program you want to 'retry' EXEC myschema.mystoredProc SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() , @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY() END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @Counter = @MaxAttempts BEGIN SET @EmailMessage = 'mystoredProc : Run Attempt : ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@Counter,23) + ' failed ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='SQL Profile' , @recipients='' , @body=@EmailMessage , @subject=@EmailMessage , @importance='High' END END CATCH END END
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