Method 1 : The appropriate information_schema view.
select grantor, grantee, table_schema+'.'+table_name as objectname, privilege_type from information_schema.table_privileges
Method 2 : Capturing the output of sp_helpprotect
(nb : sp_helpprotect can be passed parameters -
create table #helpprotect_results ( owner sysname, object sysname, grantee sysname, grantor sysname, protecttype nvarchar(10), action nvarchar(20), columnname sysname ) insert into #helpprotect_results exec sp_helprotect select grantor, grantee, owner + '.' + object as objectname, protecttype, action from #helpprotect_results order by grantee drop table #helpprotect_results
Method 3 : Good old system tables
select user_name(sec.grantor) as grantor, user_name(sec.uid) as grantee, + '.' + as objectname, case obj.type when 'C' then 'Check constraint' when 'D' then 'Default (constraint or stand-alone)' when 'F' then 'Foreign Key constraint' when 'PK' then 'Primary Key constraint' when 'P' then 'SQL Stored procedure' when 'FN' then 'SQL scalar function' when 'R' then 'Rule (old-style, stand-alone)' when 'RF' then 'Replication-filter-procedure' when 'S' then 'System base table' when 'TA' then 'assembly (CLR) DML trigger' when 'TF' then 'SQL table-valued-function' when 'U' then 'Table (user-defined)' when 'UQ' then 'Unique constraint' when 'V' then 'View' when 'X' then 'Extended stored procedure' end as objtype, permission_level, as permission from dbo.sysobjects as obj inner join sysusers as stbl on stbl.uid = obj.uid inner join sysprotects as sec on = inner join master.dbo.spt_values as action on sec.action = action.number and action.type = 't' inner join master.dbo.spt_values as protecttype on sec.protecttype = protecttype.number and protecttype.type = 't' where obj.type in ('U','V','P','FN','X')