The procedure is based arond SQL 2008 compression functionality and provides >
- Lists of tables & indexes without compression
- Lists of tables & indexes not using the desired compression (e.g. ROW when you've specified a compression type of PAGE)
- TSQL commands to compress the database objects.
March 2011 Update : Putting the function here too now as SSC exclusivity period over...
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UncompressedObjects (@database VARCHAR(50) = '' ,@emailrecipients VARCHAR(1000) = '' ,@emailprofile VARCHAR(50) = '' ,@compressiontype VARCHAR(4) = 'PAGE') AS BEGIN /* Procedure : dbo.UncompressedObjects Version : 1.0 (August 2009) Author : Richard Doering Web : */ SET NOCOUNT ON -- Check supplied parameters IF @database = '' BEGIN PRINT 'Database not specified' RETURN END IF @database NOT IN (SELECT name FROM sys.databases) BEGIN PRINT 'Database ' + @database + ' not found on server ' + @@SERVERNAME RETURN END IF @emailrecipients = '' AND @emailprofile <> '' BEGIN PRINT 'Email profile given but recipients not specified' RETURN END IF @emailrecipients <> '' AND @emailprofile = '' BEGIN PRINT 'Email recipients given but profile not specified' RETURN END SET @compressiontype = UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@compressiontype))) IF @compressiontype NOT IN ('PAGE', 'ROW') BEGIN PRINT 'CompressionType must be PAGE or ROW' RETURN END -- Declare variables DECLARE @indexreport VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @missingindexcompressiontsql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @missingindextablelist VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @missingindexindexlist VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @missingcompressiontablecount INT DECLARE @missingcompressionindexcount INT DECLARE @changeindexcompressiontsql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @changeindextablelist VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @changeindexindexlist VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @changecompressiontablecount INT DECLARE @changecompressionindexcount INT DECLARE @CurrentRow INT DECLARE @TotalRows INT DECLARE @Objecttype VARCHAR(10) DECLARE @objectname VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @command VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @emailsubject VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @dynamicsql VARCHAR(MAX) -- Create temporary tables. -- These are used because they're scope is greater than a tablevariable i.e. we can pull results back from dynamic sql. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name LIKE '##MissingCompression%') DROP TABLE ##MissingCompression IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name LIKE '##ChangeCompression%') DROP TABLE ##ChangeCompression CREATE TABLE ##MissingCompression (uniquerowid INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, objecttype VARCHAR(10), objectname VARCHAR(100), command VARCHAR(500)); CREATE TABLE ##ChangeCompression (uniquerowid INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, objecttype VARCHAR(10), objectname VARCHAR(100), command VARCHAR(500)); -- Work out what indexes are missing compression and build the commands for them SET @dynamicsql = 'WITH missingcompression AS (SELECT ''Table'' AS objecttype, + ''.'' + AS objectname, ''ALTER TABLE ['' + + ''].['' + + ''] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + @compressiontype + ');'' AS command FROM ' + @database + '.sys.objects o INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.partitions p ON p.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE TYPE = ''u'' AND data_compression = 0 AND Schema_name(o.schema_id) <> ''SYS'' UNION SELECT ''Index'' AS objecttype, AS objectname, ''ALTER INDEX ['' + + ''] ON ['' + + ''].['' + + ''] REBUILD WITH ( DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + @compressiontype + ');'' AS command FROM ' + @database + '.sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.indexes i ON ps.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND ps.index_id = i.index_id AND i.type_desc <> ''HEAP'' INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.objects o ON o.[object_id] = ps.[object_id] INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.schemas s ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id] AND <> ''SYS'' INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.partitions p ON p.[object_id] = o.[object_id] AND data_compression = 0) -- populate temporary table ''##MissingCompression'' INSERT INTO ##MissingCompression (objecttype, objectname, command) SELECT objecttype, objectname, command FROM missingcompression ORDER BY objectname ASC, command DESC ' exec (@dynamicsql) SET @dynamicsql = 'WITH changecompression AS (SELECT ''Table'' AS objecttype, + ''.'' + AS objectname, ''ALTER TABLE ['' + + ''].['' + + ''] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + @compressiontype + ');'' AS command FROM ' + @database + '.sys.objects o INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.partitions p ON p.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE TYPE = ''u'' AND data_compression <> 0 AND data_compression_desc <> ''' + @compressiontype + ''' AND Schema_name(o.schema_id) <> ''SYS'' UNION SELECT ''Index'' AS objecttype, AS objectname, ''ALTER INDEX ['' + + ''] ON ['' + + ''].['' + + ''] REBUILD WITH ( DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + @compressiontype + ');'' AS command FROM ' + @database + '.sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.indexes i ON ps.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND ps.index_id = i.index_id AND i.type_desc <> ''HEAP'' INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.objects o ON o.[object_id] = ps.[object_id] INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.schemas s ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id] AND <> ''SYS'' INNER JOIN ' + @database + '.sys.partitions p ON p.[object_id] = o.[object_id] AND data_compression <> 0 AND data_compression_desc <> ''' + @compressiontype + ''' ) -- populate temporary table ''##ChangeCompression'' INSERT INTO ##ChangeCompression (objecttype, objectname, command) SELECT objecttype, objectname, command FROM changecompression ORDER BY objectname ASC, command DESC ' exec (@dynamicsql) -- We now have populated our temporary tables (##MissingCompression & ##ChangeCompression) -- First, loop objects with no compression. -- For each object > -- 1) increment the counter, -- 2) add the object name to the list for display -- 3) generate the tsql for compression commands -- set initial variables SET @missingindexcompressiontsql = '' SET @missingindextablelist = '' SET @missingindexindexlist = '' SET @missingcompressiontablecount = 0 SET @missingcompressionindexcount = 0 SELECT @TotalRows = Count(* ) FROM ##MissingCompression SELECT @CurrentRow = 1 WHILE @CurrentRow <= @TotalRows BEGIN SELECT @Objecttype = objecttype, @objectname = objectname, @command = command FROM ##MissingCompression WHERE uniquerowid = @CurrentRow SET @missingindexcompressiontsql = @missingindexcompressiontsql + @command + Char(10) + Char(10) IF @Objecttype = 'table' BEGIN SET @missingindextablelist = @missingindextablelist + @objectname + Char(10) SET @missingcompressiontablecount = @missingcompressiontablecount + 1 END IF @Objecttype = 'index' BEGIN SET @missingindexindexlist = @missingindexindexlist + @objectname + Char(10) SET @missingcompressionindexcount = @missingcompressionindexcount + 1 END SELECT @CurrentRow = @CurrentRow + 1 END -- Now deal with Objects that need to change compression type -- For each object > -- 1) increment the counter, -- 2) add the object name to the list for display -- 3) generate the tsql for compression commands -- set initial variables SET @changeindexcompressiontsql = '' SET @changeindextablelist = '' SET @changeindexindexlist = '' SET @indexreport = '' SET @changecompressiontablecount = 0 SET @changecompressionindexcount = 0 SELECT @TotalRows = Count(* ) FROM ##ChangeCompression SELECT @CurrentRow = 1 WHILE @CurrentRow <= @TotalRows BEGIN SELECT @Objecttype = objecttype, @objectname = objectname, @command = command FROM ##ChangeCompression WHERE uniquerowid = @CurrentRow SET @changeindexcompressiontsql = @changeindexcompressiontsql + @command + Char(10) + Char(10) IF @Objecttype = 'table' BEGIN SET @changeindextablelist = @changeindextablelist + @objectname + Char(10) SET @changecompressiontablecount = @changecompressiontablecount + 1 END IF @Objecttype = 'index' BEGIN SET @changeindexindexlist = @changeindexindexlist + @objectname + Char(10) SET @changecompressionindexcount = @changecompressionindexcount + 1 END SELECT @CurrentRow = @CurrentRow + 1 END -- Build the text output for the report > -- First for objects missing compression > IF (@missingcompressionindexcount + @missingcompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN IF (@missingcompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + 'Tables not currently utilising ' + @compressiontype + ' compression >' + Char(10) + '--------------------------------------------' + Char(10) + @missingindextablelist + Char(13) + Char(13) END IF (@missingcompressionindexcount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + 'Indexes not currently utilising ' + @compressiontype + ' compression >' + Char(10) + '---------------------------------------------' + Char(10) + @missingindexindexlist + Char(13) + Char(13) END END -- Now for objects using the incorrect compression type > IF (@changecompressionindexcount + @changecompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN IF (@changecompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + 'Tables with incorrect compression type >' + Char(10) + '--------------------------------------------' + Char(13) + Char(10) + @changeindextablelist + Char(13) + Char(10) END IF (@changecompressionindexcount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + 'Indexes with incorrect compression type >' + Char(10) + '---------------------------------------------' + Char(13) + Char(10) + @changeindexindexlist + Char(13) + Char(10) END END IF (@missingcompressionindexcount + @missingcompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + char(10) + '/* TSQL to implement ' + @compressiontype + ' compression */' + Char(10) + '-----------------------------------' + Char(10) + 'USE [' + @database + ']' + Char(10) + 'GO' + Char(10) + @missingindexcompressiontsql + Char(13) + Char(10) END IF (@changecompressionindexcount + @changecompressiontablecount) > 0 BEGIN SET @indexreport = @indexreport + char(10) + '/* TSQL to change to ' + @compressiontype + ' compression type */' + Char(10) + '-------------------------------------' + Char(10) + 'USE [' + @database + ']' + Char(10) + 'GO' + Char(10) + @changeindexcompressiontsql + Char(13) + Char(10) END -- Tidy up. Remove the temporary tables. DROP TABLE ##MissingCompression DROP TABLE ##ChangeCompression -- Display report and email results if there are any required actions > IF ( (@changecompressionindexcount + @changecompressiontablecount + @missingcompressionindexcount + @missingcompressiontablecount) > 0) BEGIN -- Compression changes recommended, display them PRINT @indexreport -- If email paramters supplied, email the results too. IF @emailrecipients <> '' AND @emailprofile <> '' BEGIN SET @emailsubject = @@SERVERNAME + ' : Uncompressed object report : ' + @database + ' (' + @compressiontype + ' compression)' -- send email EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @emailrecipients, @subject = @emailsubject, @body = @indexreport, @profile_name = @emailprofile END END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'No database objects to compress' END END GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UncompressedServerObjects AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @CurrentRow INT DECLARE @TotalRows INT DECLARE @DatabaseName NVARCHAR(255) DECLARE @Databases TABLE( UNIQUEROWID INT IDENTITY ( 1,1 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, DATABASENAME NVARCHAR(255) ) SELECT @CurrentRow = 1 INSERT INTO @Databases (DATABASENAME) SELECT NAME FROM SYS.DATABASES WHERE DATABASE_ID > 4 SELECT @TotalRows = COUNT(*) FROM @Databases WHILE @CurrentRow <= @TotalRows BEGIN SELECT @DatabaseName = DATABASENAME FROM @Databases WHERE UNIQUEROWID = @CurrentRow EXEC dbo.UncompressedObjects @database = @DatabaseName , @compressiontype = 'PAGE' , @emailrecipients = '' , @emailprofile = 'Profile Name' SELECT @CurrentRow = @CurrentRow + 1 END END GO
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