The script fetches data about when the databases were last used and returns the following
- DatabaseName (Obvious really)
- LastReadOperation - aggregated from index information in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
- LastWriteOperation - aggregated from index information in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
- DataFileDateStamp - file system date stamp
- LogFileDateStamp - file system date stamp
It is based on 'When were my databases last accessed ?' and fetches the file date information from the file system by using dbo.get_file_date. To fetch the file system information, it does use xp_cmdshell , which may be a security concern depending on your environment. Becauase it uses the file system, you need to run it in Management Studio on the server you are auditing.
USE master GO exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; reconfigure; exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1; reconfigure; GO IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##Results') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE ##Results END CREATE TABLE ##Results ([DatabaseName] sysname NULL, [FileName] sysname NULL, [PhysicalName] NVARCHAR(260) NULL, [FileType] VARCHAR(4) NULL, [DateFileSystem] DATETIME ) DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @SQL = 'USE [?] INSERT INTO ##Results([DatabaseName], [FileName], [PhysicalName], [FileType]) SELECT DB_NAME(), [name] AS [FileName], physical_name AS [PhysicalName], [FileType] = CASE type WHEN 0 THEN ''Data''' + 'WHEN 1 THEN ''Log''' + 'END FROM sys.database_files (NOLOCK) ORDER BY [FileType], [file_id]' EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @SQL DECLARE @file_date_op datetime DECLARE @db SYSNAME DECLARE @filename NVARCHAR(260) DECLARE tablecursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT databasename, physicalname FROM ##results OPEN tablecursor WHILE (1 = 1) BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM tablecursor INTO @db,@filename IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 BREAK; SET @file_date_op = null print @filename exec master.dbo.get_file_date @file_name = @filename ,@file_date = @file_date_op OUTPUT UPDATE ##Results SET DateFileSystem = @file_date_op WHERE physicalname = @filename END CLOSE tablecursor DEALLOCATE tablecursor SELECT Name AS DatabaseName ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),MAX(CASE WHEN ISNULL(last_user_seek,0) >= ISNULL(last_user_scan,0) AND ISNULL(last_user_seek,0) >= ISNULL(last_user_lookup,0) THEN ISNULL(last_user_seek,0) WHEN ISNULL(last_user_scan,0) >= ISNULL(last_user_lookup,0) THEN ISNULL(last_user_scan,0) ELSE ISNULL(last_user_lookup,0) END),121),'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000','') AS LastReadOperation ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),ISNULL(MAX(last_user_update),0),121),'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000','') AS LastWriteOperation ,DataFile.DateFileSystem AS DataFileDateStamp ,LogFile.DateFileSystem AS LogFileDateStamp FROM sys.databases d LEFT JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats s ON s.database_id = d.database_id LEFT JOIN ##Results DataFile ON DataFile.DatabaseName = DB_NAME(d.database_id) LEFT JOIN ##Results LogFile ON LogFile.DatabaseName = DB_NAME(d.database_id) WHERE DataFile.FileType = 'Data' AND LogFile.FileType = 'Log' GROUP BY ,DataFile.DateFileSystem ,LogFile.DateFileSystem GO
Like this, but have you run into this error?
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure get_file_date, Line 16
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Hi Jason,
If i recall correctly I had that error too on 1 server. get_file_date merely takes the date from the command prompt's DIR command. get_file_date is set to CONVERT the date to the UK English format DD/MM/YYYY (103).
Try changing it to match your location/server setting e.g. 101 for the USA.
That did it. Thanks for the quick response.
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